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Cobia amberjack reds oh my

Capt Kelly

No rest here we keep going hard! Thankful for all you guys that keep coming back! We also have had new crews to give us a try! The cobia have been more on than off lately if you are willing to put in your time! Chacosky crew got three out of nine with a bonus gaffer the other day. Yesterday few mahi amberjacks sharks and couple cobia. One crazy super windy day we were the lone rangers saw five and only got one just did not get the big one to stay buttoned up! Also had the pleasure of having one of my favorite captains, someone who was catching cobia before little rock solid got cranked up Rick Caton aboard with LG and I for a cobia trip. We quickly boxed one and then the evil clouds of darkness chased us in. Still a pleasure having Rick take the time to crawl off his big warship to get beat around in my little 27 footer! These cobia are caught sight casting with jigs. The jigs we are using are from the great Bobalama owner of meathog tackle! He gladly sponsors some of us around here! He also has bee putting out some insane insane cobia gaffs with cobia skin inlayed into the gaff!! Few diehards already got theirs! Right Larry , Clinton! And last of all the new punisher line of rods from meathog fishing. All black k series guides black wraps black epoxy black thread makes a killer look and this blank can punish. It pairs perfectly with the braided lines we use for cobia with the softer tip but power thrust blank!! Already sold few off the boat!! just getting up but can also be contacted thru Facebook! Amanda has been doing her own Thing! Folks love fishing with her and are having fun and catching fish. She has casting the flats with spoons and live bait some nice specks!! She got one speck close to four pounds the other day! But I will let her fill you in on what’s up on the Carolina blue! Thanks so much to everyone for fishing I will try to get more posts up and pics! I will bunches if pics up soon! Updating here hoping to get a blow out on the day but let’s see east 15 seas 3-5 rain!? Doug fresh your killing me! Thanks for being a hard charger!! Gotta get ice thanks guys!




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